What is Exempt Accommodation?
Exempt accommodation (also known as “specified Accommodation”) is housing provided to residents on a not-for-profit basis, where personal support is also provided to the residents by or on behalf of the landlord (usually a housing association or charity). The provider has to prove to the satisfaction of the Council, that their residents actually require the support offered, that the provider is actually providing the support, and that all the costs of providing the housing (not including the cost of the personal support) is reasonably required and at at a fair price. 


Exempt Accommodation Greater Manchester

Why is exempt accommodation important?
Because it enables people to be housed, and receive the support they need to sustain their accommodation and move on into more independent living when they are ready to do so. Exempt accommodation not only prevents homelessness, but it is also a way for people to move out of homelessness.

Is exempt accommodation cost effective?
Yes. It saves lives, it saves people being homeless, it reduces offending, and it reduces the burden to other public services (e.g. the emergency services, NHS, Adult social Care, Criminal Justice, local authority homelessness departments).
Examples of exempt accommodation may include: domestic violence refuges, homeless hostels, accommodation for young people, ex-offenders, or those suffering with addiction or mental health issues.

"Helping to rehomed anyone is fulfilling. Knowing that a young women is off the street makes me sleep better at night"
Miriam Brown
Seven Media
"Getting the message out there that there is help available for venerable people is only part of the job.!"
Richard Green
Seven Media
"Helping veterans who put there lives at risk is my way of giving back to them for the sacrifices that they made for us. !"
Anna Richmond
Seven Media

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